Muscular Endurance Meaning
Uncover the true meaning of muscular endurance. Explore techniques to enhance your strength and stamina for better performance in sports and daily activities.
Ben Bunting BA(Hons), PgCert., AAPTI.
9/19/20244 min read
What is muscle endurance defined as?
The ability of a muscle (or group) to exert force continuously against resistance is called muscular endurance.
Your muscular endurance determines how many repetitions you can do of an exercise, over time, whether you are running, cycling or swimming.
Muscular endurance is also related to the ability of your muscles to recover. The quicker your muscles recover, the faster you can do more repetitions.
Why should you improve your muscular endurance?
Building strength and endurance in your muscles will help you perform daily functional exercises such as climbing stairs or lifting heavy objects.
It will also improve your posture, stability, and ability to prevent injury. Muscular endurance and aerobic endurance are mutually beneficial (after all, the heart is a muscular muscle), so by improving your strength and conditioning you will improve your health.
A greater muscular endurance can improve your performance and endurance in numerous sports.
You will be able to work harder and longer and experience less fatigue.
Improve your muscular endurance for 12 great benefits
Your athletic performance will improve
It helps improve aerobic endurance
Muscular endurance makes daily tasks easier
This helps prevent injuries
Keep your heart healthy
This maintains your posture and overall stability
Weight loss and body weight maintenance is easier
You can improve your body composition
Keeps your bones and muscles healthy
You will feel more confident and positive about yourself.
You will feel better and have better sleep which will improve your recovery
Prevents further health conditions
How to improve your muscular endurance
It is important to distinguish between muscular endurance and strength training.
The main benefit of muscular training is to build strength.
However, training in the correct way will ensure that you gain strength and keep your muscles lean while maintaining a good range of movement. This is essential if you are training for an endurance sport or event.
Sports science has advanced a lot in recent years, and now we know that simply running, cycling, or swimming longer distances will not improve performance alone, however, incorporating strength training can enhance your training, as outlined in this 2022 review.
Your muscles will have more energy if they are stronger and more efficient. As a result, they'll need less oxygen and blood, and your heart will be less stressed.
You have two types of muscle fibres: fast witch and slow twitch.
Fast-twitch fibres are used during anaerobic exercises such as sprinting. Slow-twitch muscle fibres play a greater role in muscular endurance and are more resistant to fatigue. Best of all, these muscle fibres can be trained to become more efficient during use.
You can improve your endurance by increasing the number of repetitions that you can do without your muscles failing.
Your endurance will increase the more repetitions you do (usually no less than 15 with moderate resistance and short rest periods).
Whereas, lifting heavy weights with a range of 8-12 reps and longer rest periods is more effective for training to increase strength and size.
Ways to increase your muscular endurance
You can increase your muscular endurance even without specialised gym equipment. This type of training is a combination of physical and mental strength.
Weight training
Free weights and machines are the best way to build upper-body and lower-body muscular endurance. If you cannot afford a gym pass, look at online marketplaces to see whether people are selling equipment they no longer need.
Use a weight that is around 50% of your 1-RM, and do high reps (15-25) with short rest periods (30-60 secs).
You can choose to isolate specific muscle groups, or you can opt for exercises that involve multiple muscle groups like squats or deadlifts, these are known as compound movements.
You could perform these exercises with dumbbells, barbells, kettlebells or even power bags.
Dropsets or supersets are a great way to advance or elevate your program.
Circuit training
Circuit training is one of the most effective and efficient fitness training methods to improve both muscular and cardiovascular endurance.
It consists of a series of exercises that are performed using equipment or your body weight with low-moderate resistance, in a short circuit and with minimal or no rest.
Circuit training can be easily tailored to a specific sport, and should include high repetitions of each exercise for muscle endurance.
Bodyweight training
Calisthenics is a great way to increase muscular endurance. It is also the easiest and most convenient training method as it does not require any equipment.
The program can be tailored to fit your fitness level and advanced accordingly. There are also many exercises available to create an intense workout.
Exercises can either be done to a timer or by reps in circuits, supersets or as standalone sets.
Pushups, squats, lunges, dips, abdominal crunches, burpees, and star jumps use multiple muscle groups and are very challenging.
Isometric Exercises
Exercises that are isometric increase muscle strength, endurance and stability by activating many muscle fibres at once.
Isometric exercises are performed when the muscle tension is increased but at a constant length. This causes blood to fill muscle tissue and creates metabolic stress.
These exercises are ideal for people with injuries or older adults because they do not require any joint movement.
They can also be used as a complement to isotonic muscle endurance programs (concentric movements and eccentric movements).
The tension is created by holding a body weight or a weight in one static position for an extended period of time.
This includes exercises such as wall sits (holding a fixed position), planks, squats, glute bridges and dead hangs (hanging off a bar).
Muscular endurance refers to a muscle's or group's ability to sustain repeated contractions or hold on for prolonged periods, leading to endurance contractions that last beyond their scheduled timeframes.
Physical capacity is integral for engaging in activities requiring sustained effort, such as long-distance running, cycling and swimming, which demand continuous muscle performance without significant fatigue.
Muscular endurance differs from muscular strength, which measures how much force an individual muscle can exert at one time.
Improving muscular endurance typically involves engaging in specific training regimes that focus on lower weights with multiple repetitions to strengthen and prolong muscles' efficiency and stamina.
Fitness for everyday activities, not only athletic performance, is equally essential. Resiliency increases physical resilience and allows people to complete tasks more easily without overexertion or fatigue.
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*Moss, K., Kreutzer, A., Graybeal, A.J., Zhang, Y., Braun-Trocchio, R., Porter, R.R. and Shah, M. (2023). Nutrient Adequacy in Endurance Athletes. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(8), p.5469. doi: